Sunday, September 27, 2009

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Lunchy Munchy

There's nothing like a good healthy lunch. And that *was* nothing like a good healthy lunch. Pie, chips and beans. And possibly beer.

Geolocate this post.

Posted with LifeCast

Monday, September 14, 2009


...avoiding eye contact with the blind is really not necessary.

Read All About It

With newspaper sales reportedly dwindling, I think I might have the solution. I can't help noticing that as soon as a disabled person gets on to a train where there are no vacant seats, all of a sudden everyone finds their newspaper completely fascinating.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Save Me From The Movies

Yes, I know I’ve already posted part of this, but dammit, it’s worth another spin. Someday Duke Special will be as famous as he should be. Even if I have to scream his name into everyone’s face. And don’t think I wouldn’t.

Thursday, September 03, 2009


After months of planning (apparently), we finally move offices tomorrow. We’re not moving far – only two blocks along and one block up from the current office (or bottom right to top left on the map). It’s far enough that I’m going to have start getting an earlier train in the morning, which is mildly annoying.

Still though, it’s a nice shiny new (or newly refurbished) office and probably better in every way the current place. Every way apart from location, of course.

On the plus side, we get a half-day tomorrow while our stuff gets moved.

On the minus side, the stalkers now know where to find me. Oops.

Ooh, almost forgot. We got our access passes for the new building today. They don’t have our photos on yet, so that’s something to look forward to. I do so enjoy being photographed. I am also looking forward to wandering about with a pass attached to a lanyard* hanging round my neck, and not looking in any way like a complete tool.

Map picture

* Don’t you think lanyard is a rather grand-sounding word for what is basically a bit of string round your neck?