Monday, June 14, 2010

Four Years

Four years to the day since I got out of the you-know-where. Doesn't seem like a year since I wrote that it was three years.

Friday, June 04, 2010

Breast or Bottle?

Can’t help thinking Apple might have taken its beady eye off the ball a little here.

They’re pretty strict on the iPhone apps they approve for distribution from their App Store, especially when it comes to anything vaguely related to boobage. The merest hint of tits and/or ass will pretty much guarantee that your app will be rejected.


Sex, then, is out. Violence, on the other hand, is perfectly OK. Available now from the Apple App Store, is the delightful Broken Bottle 2 (pictured), a handy little pastime allowing you to recreate all the fun of a bar fight. Y’know, the smashing of a bottle (4 to choose from!) and shoving it into someone’s face. All good clean fun, eh?

It just seems a bit of double standard on Apple’s part. Big problem with boobies, no problem with broken bottles. Be honest, given the choice between breasts or a broken bottle, which would you rather have thrust into your face?

And while I’m having a bit of rant at Apple, hurry and get my iPad shipped, you bastards.