Sunday, December 05, 2004


I've embarked on the mammoth task of transferring my entire CD collection* onto my hard drive. It's going to take forever, but it'll be handy having it all in one place at last. I've never been quite sad enough to alphabetise my CDs, but Windows is conveniently doing that for me, placing Elton John next to Elvis Costello, the Ramones alongside Randy Newman, and Eminem snuggling up to Emmylou Harris. Who'd have thought?

I never realised it before, but it turns out that I have no fewer than three Midge Ure/Ultravox 'best-of' collections**. Three. All different, but basically the same. And an album by the Pooh Sticks, which I don't even remember buying, or for that matter, playing.

*Or as much of it as I can find.
**Note to self: Stop buying CDs when drunk.


liz said...

Oh, my did *that* happen?!

Big Al said...

Beats me. It's all very strange.

liz said...

Not that *I* have any of their Best-Ofs. Perhaps if I were a wiser man, I'd be dancing with tears in my eyes.

Big Al said...

Ouch. That's lament-able.