Tuesday, December 26, 2006


In the midst of all the festivities, and the TV specials, and the tinsel and the turkey, it's easy to overlook the true meaning of Christmas. Presents, of course. I got some pretty good ones this year. A couple of good books. Not the Good Book, you understand. A presentation set of Lagers Of The World - which begs the question, 'as opposed to Lagers Of... where else, exactly?'. Well, it does to me, anyway. Oh yeah. And some socks. Always with the socks.

The kids* fared better though. iPods, robot dogs, battery-powered monkeys (and by the way, you don't want to know where they had to insert the batteries). And what the hell has happened to Lego? I know they have a lot to compete with, but Jeeeeeeezzzzzz. Wasn't like that in my day. I was impressed when I managed to build a wall out of Lego.

*My cousins' kids, that is. There are no Little Big Al's**
**As far as I'm aware.

1 comment:

Jess said...

We needed more imagination when we were kids. These kids nowadays, they don't know what real Lego is like! ;)