Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Old School

This old photo from 1975 resurfaced a couple of days ago. I'm in there somewhere, but I'm not saying where. As a small clue, I have a moderately gormless expression on my face. Although I don't think that narrows it down too much.

What I found more interesting (and this gives you a fair idea of what a sad individual I am) was the other side of the page, showing the TV listings from the days when there were a grand total of three channels to choose from. How ever did we cope?

Yep, the days when ITV1 was just plain old ITV. Long before ITV2, ITV3 and ITV4. Still can't figure out why ITV needs 4 channels when they don't have enough programmes to fill one. We could ask the same question of the BBC, come to think of it.


Shenida Weave said...

I wonder how they can fill the 350+ channels on my cable box, NOT counting the 20 or so filled with nothing but porn!!!

It never ceases to amaze me that I have 350+ freakin' channels and STILL have nights where I can't find anything interesting on...

Jess said...

I'm with SW. Amazing. So many channels and so much crap.