Thursday, February 11, 2010

Train Heroes, Part 2

Look at this nice man, who always sits in the disabled seats on the train. What a gentleman!


And this guy, he’s a little ray of sunshine, don’t you think?traincunt2

This guy is really pushing it.


Yeah, that’s right. Make yourself comfortable.


All I’m saying is, if you’re that desperate to sit in a disabled seat, you could at least have the decency to actually be disabled.


liz said...

Here it's okay to sit in them as long as you give the seat up if a disabled person needs it. (Unlike, for example, parking spaces, where you just get a ticket immediately.) However, I'd probably feel pretty self-conscious doing it myself. But that's just me.

Big Al said...

Technically, it's the same idea here. The chances of anyone giving up a seat for anyone else, disabled or not, are somewhere in the region of zero. Or less.