Monday, November 15, 2004


Big Al is in a very bad mood. Intemperate language may follow.

Unbelievable. My ISP decided to go tits-up at about 3:30 this afternoon, and was out of action until about 20 minutes ago. To make matters worse, I couldn't even phone their support line to shout at someone, as the phones at Virgin Net (yep, it's them) weren't being answered. I'm guessing because they had too many irate callers to cope with.

I came pretty close to kicking the PC under my desk, which would have been stupid for (at least) two reasons:
  1. The PC I was actually using was the one on my desk.
  2. It would have hurt like fuck. Bad foot and all that. So I hit it with my crutch instead.
Absolute madness. I got by without the Internet for over about twenty years, so how come I can't get through five net-free hours without turning into the Incredible Sulk?

1 comment:

liz said...

I was threatened with a crutch, once, in junior high. That was a bad school in California where half the classes were held in trailers, and kids carried knives. Guess I was lucky to only be threatened with a crutch.

I get e-reprieves on the weekends, when I'm at my internetless home most of the time. I'm afraid to get a hookup at home; I fear I'd be sucked entirely into it like a black hole. (And I don't even play Everquest!)

I would lose half (okay, most) of my non-work-related social life if there were no "internets"!