Sunday, November 07, 2004


With the exception of all the fireworks, it's been a very quiet weekend. This afternoon I was at a birthday party for my cousin's daughter, who turned three today. She's a very bright kid with an unusual range of vocabulary for her age - the word poppycock seems to be a current favourite, as do a number of fairly awful knock-knock jokes, including:

Knock knock
Who's there?
Bear who?
Bear naked

Actually, not that bad for a 3-year old.

Music: Johnny Cash: American III: Solitary Man


Jess said...

That's one of those words that sounds like it could fit into a George Carlin skit (like "pussyfoot"). :)

Big Al said...

I'm not familiar with his work, but I can see how a poppycock and a pussyfoot might go together...

Winter and Wine Markets said...

OMG...last night, after reading the comments, i was relaxing with Ellen. She was interviewing Sir Elton John (as he prefers). To my surprise he used the word “pussyfoot.” How often does that happen? I was commenting to myself early that day, that I never hear “pussyfoot” anymore.