Monday, November 15, 2004


I think I may have made a dreadful mistake. Back in March, I upgraded my mobile phone and, as I had fulfilled my twelve-month contract, I got to keep the old one. At the time, my mum was complaining about her phone (understandably - without being overly technical, it was shite).

Being the all-round nice person* that I am, I told her to take my old phone if she wanted it. It was, after all, only a year old. Not quite state-of-the-art, but certainly closer than the one she was currently using - which was more like state-of-the-Ark. A couple of weeks ago, she took me up on the offer.

All well and good. But now, for some reason, she has decided to experiment with text messaging, always aimed in my direction - with the following results:
  1. hi al luv mum - Actually not a bad first effort.
  2. [BLANK]
  3. hi al hmmm spr - No idea. Possibly had one sherry too many.
  4. hi al how are u lowe mum - Starting to get into abbreviations here. Don't get cocky now.
  5. [BLANK] - Again.
On the plus side, she hasn't figured out email yet.

* modest, too.


liz said...

Ur mUm i5 t3h L33t!!

Big Al said...

Uh-oh. Mum. Is that you?