Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Busy Doing Nothing

Here comes a surprising statement from someone living on the west coast of Scotland. Damn, it's hot. Just as well I had nothing planned for today, because it would almost certainly have been too hot to do it. I've been back home for three weeks now, and have done approximately nothing, other than going back and forth to one hospital or another. Currently I go to one hospital for orthopaedic appointments, another to see the plastic surgeons*, and from this week I'll be attending a third for physiotherapy. Gulp. I've never been one for exercise, least of all the brutal, painful sort favoured by those sadistic, and frighteningly healthy, blonde women** who call themselves physiotherapists.

Apart from that, a nurse comes to the house two or three times a week to change the dressing on a slow-healing leg wound, which means I can't really stray too far until that's done. And that's pretty much all I've been doing for the last three weeks.

Work? Who has time for work?

* Relating to the skin graft on my leg. I still look exactly like me, more's the pity.
** Almost all of them fit this description, in my experience.


Jess said...

Hot? Shows my ignorance. I never really thought of Scotland as hot. Of course, I've never been there. It's on the list for a future visit, but that's another story.

Big Al said...

These are freak weather conditions at the moment. Give it a week or two and we'll be back to the usual snow any gales.

Big Al said...

Or even snow *and* gales. Must type more carefully.

liz said...

Yes, my British sig-other has been frighteningly gleeful regarding the spate of hot weather Over There. Primarily because he thinks that this will show the world that global warming is real!

As if the world ever pays attention to anything until it's smacked right in the face with it...>sigh<