Monday, November 01, 2004

Parkinson's Law

Work expands to fill the time available for its completion.

I was first made of aware of the existence of this law in 1990, during my university days. There's definitely something in it, but it's just a little wide of the mark, in my experience.

Here then, is Big Al's Law.

Work expands to fill, and then massively exceed, the time available for its completion.

I am considering having this engraved on a plaque, which would then be placed on or near my desk.


liz said...

Now there's a great candidate for the obligatory, celebratory drunken tattoo should I ever actually complete this godforsaken PhD.

Big Al said...

Now that's gonna hurt.

liz said...

Hence the "drunken". Also, I intend to get it in extremely small letters.

Across my forehead.