Thursday, April 16, 2009

Book by cover

Watch this first.

My initial thought was, how brilliant to see the smugness wiped instantly from the faces of Simon Cowell and Piers Morgan. And it was nice how the judges all heaped praised upon Susan after she finished singing.

The problem I have is this. The judges, and (from the look of it) the audience* all had to pick their jaws up off the floor when Susan started to sing. As if it was somehow inconceivable for someone who's not a classic beauty (I'm trying to be diplomatic here) to have a beautiful voice.

So what initially sounded like compliments came off sounding quite insulting.

* Look at the girl in the audience just after Susan says "I'm trying to be a professional singer".

1 comment:

liz said...

I saw that clip the other day on YouTube and thought it was great. And it's not just the beauty aspect about which people are initially so scornful.

There's also a lot of ageist stuff going on there. And that this Susan isn't even trying to act "glamorous" (low-key makeup, dress, lets goofy side show, etc.)

She just lets her own freak flag fly...and turns out it flies beautifully.

Go Susan!