Monday, August 31, 2009

Another One Bites The Dust

I’m going to do you a big favour* here. Don’t say I’m not good to you.

Next time you find yourself competing in a Break-an-iPod contest**, here’s what to do.

  1. Connect your iPod to your PC, and leave to charge.
  2. Forget that your iPod is connected to your PC for a considerable length of time. 17 hours ought to do it.
  3. All of a sudden remember about your iPod.
  4. Go back to your iPod, and find it red-hot and with a large black blot obscuring the top right corner of the screen.
  5. And you’re done.


*That’s “favour”. The U key is the one between Y and I, America.
**I admit it’s unlikely, but you never know, do you?


From the start of September, the licensing laws are changing in these here parts. In an attempt to combat binge drinking, there will be a crackdown on ‘irresponsible’ drinks promotions.

That means you can’t have traditional Happy Hours any more. Any temporary reduction in the price of alcohol will now have to last a minimum of 72 hours. So instead of a Happy Hour, it’ll be Happy 72 Hours.

Er, how’s that going to help?

True (ish)

From my own personal experience, there’s some truth in this – although it varies dramatically from hospital to hospital…

Monday, August 24, 2009

Separated at birth

I’m glad this video exists, if only to prove that Duke Special and Tim Minchin have been seen together in the same room, and that they really are two people. And not one.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Swine Flu

Well, no, it’s probably not, but it has kept me off work for the past couple of days, and on the plus side has given me a chance to catch up on some really important stuff. Like watching loads of Tom Baker-era episodes of Doctor Who, and watching the final few episodes of Reaper and Pushing Daisies – both of which have been, somewhat annoyingly, cancelled. Swines.*

*Or should that just be ‘swine’?

Sunday, August 16, 2009

We Are Klang

It’s been a long time since anything made me cry with laughter. This is what tipped me over the edge.

Sunday, August 09, 2009

An awful lot of running

I think this is the best thing I’ve seen on YouTube. For some reason it made me realise how much I’m going to miss David Tennant when he hangs up the keys to the Tardis. He’s my favourite doctor since Tom Baker.

Anyway, this is great.

Wednesday, August 05, 2009


After months of deliberation, the company has told everyone what their new, revised, and brought-into-line-with-company-standards job titles will be. Mine is Software Developer, which is exactly what it was before. Well worth the wait, then.

Talking of job titles, apparently the nice people at Subway are Sandwich Artists. Some of them fancy themselves as Picasso, if the state of my lunch is anything to go by.

In which case, I should probably be a Software Artist.

Geolocate this post.

Posted with LifeCast

Saturday, August 01, 2009

Tutti Frutti

So. Much to my surprise, only a minimal amount of shit had hit a relatively small number of fans in my absence.

Enough of that.

My big news is that my DVD of Tutti Frutti is due to arrive on Monday. 22 years after its original showing on TV, they've finally got around to putting it out on DVD. As far as I can recall, it was shown once and never repeated, which is quite galling when you see the shit that the BBC is happy to repeat again and again and again (ad infinitum/nauseam).

I (not entirely legally) downloaded Tutti Frutti last year, but it was a massively dodgy copy of a VHS tape that someone recorded off the TV. I can't wait to see it again.