Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Christmas shopping all but done. I blitzed it in just under an hour, which is pretty good going really. I also took the opportunity to get a haircut - which, somewhat disappointingly, took a very short amount of time. I'm sure it used to take the best part of hour for a haircut. Now it's done and dusted in about six minutes. It takes more time now to tidy up the hair growing out of my ears than to trim the hair on my head.

I wish my body would expend as much effort in growing hair in my bald spot as it does in growing hair down my nose and out of my ears. Hell, I'd happily lose all my pubic hair if it could replace some of the hair on my head. Provided, of course, that it didn't grow in quite so curly. Or so ginger.

1 comment:

Jess said...

Isn't aging lovely? ;)