Saturday, March 24, 2007

Vexed by Vista

My new computer arrived on Thursday morning. The computer is awesome. It feels ten times faster than the old one. For one thing, I don't have time to make a cup of coffee (and drink it, and wash the cup afterwards) whilst waiting for it to start up.

And isn't Windows Vista great? Isn't it?

Well, if you don't have any objection to your webcam no longer working, and you're quite happy to be unable to use your computer to watch DVDs that you've purchased, and you're not bothered by the minor inconvenience that NOTHING FUCKING WORKS, then... yes, Windows Vista is just dandy.

I'm seriously considering nuking Vista and installing XP instead.


Jess said...

I won't install Vista until something stops working for lack of it. Until then, no way--and I'm not expecting it to happen, unless some other software auto-upgrade is forced on me. Every time I've done an OS upgrade, things went to hell.

liz said...
