Sunday, August 09, 2009

An awful lot of running

I think this is the best thing I’ve seen on YouTube. For some reason it made me realise how much I’m going to miss David Tennant when he hangs up the keys to the Tardis. He’s my favourite doctor since Tom Baker.

Anyway, this is great.


liz said...

I'm simply refusing to contemplate his leaving the series. It's unthinkable.

Given that you seem to know lots of media-type info, do you recall ever seeing a series (I believe it was BBC) featuring a character who was a singer but she moonlighted as a clown?

I saw it five or six years ago and have not been able to find the tiniest spoor of it online, which is bizarre. (I can find anything. Seriously.)

Big Al said...

I wish i could help. Really. Mainly because I want to see it too.