Thursday, January 28, 2010


A recap.

On Monday night, I attended the theatre, don't you know. Wearing a tie, and everything.

Front row seats, no less. To see a living showbusiness legend, after-dinner speaker, and raconteur of some note. I speak of course of Count Arthur Strong.

For those not familiar with the Count, I could try to describe his act, except for the fact that it is almost impossible to describe. Or at least to do it proper justice.

But here goes. Count Arthur Strong is a fictional, very very minor celebrity with delusions of grandeur, and prone to malapropisms. He is one of those comedy creations that polarises opinions. Love him or hate him. There doesn't appear to be any middle ground. Please note that I have not said the word 'Marmite'. Until now, obviously.

"Count Arthur Strong - The Man Behind The Smile" is a tribute to Count Arthur Strong. Err, by Count Arthur Strong.

There were times in Monday evening's performance when I was almost crying with laughter. My personal highlights were when the Count was edited into clips of old TV shows, including Dixon of Dock Green, and Troughton-era Doctor Who. The only problem with that was, because these scenes were pre-recorded, there weren't long enough pauses for laughter - so many jokes were missed because we were still laughing from the previous one. Or two.

Anyway, if you're interested. YouTube.

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