Monday, February 01, 2010

Closing Time

End of an era yesterday. Last day of the Ardneil, and it was fairly horrible.

For a start, the place was full of people who’d otherwise never set foot in the place, if not for the lure of cheap alcohol. It also didn’t help that shortly after 5pm, the beer ran out, meaning we had to turn to ever more unlikely drinks as the evening wore on.

By about 9:15pm I’d had enough* and headed home. On the plus side, I didn’t have the hangover this morning that I had been expecting and which had in fact prompted me to take today off work.

A pretty sad end to a once-great institution, all in all. Ho hum.

*Alcohol, and in general.

1 comment:

liz said...

That is sad. Life passes by.
Most of the pubs/clubs of my youth* are long gone. I can still visualize them as though it were yesterday. But for you, it really *was* yesterday.

You can borrow the corner tavern (Hildy's) in our new neighborhood, if you're ever in the area. The first review displayed in Google says it all: "...Probably the only bar I've ever seen that's open at 6:30 am..."

*(Er...which really is not that long ago, I swear.)