Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Free Lunch

...and they say there's no such thing. Well, they're wrong. I got one today. The occasion was one of the company's annual(ish) discussion days, where our department talks about what we do, how well we do it, and how we could do it better.

I've only been back a few weeks (and only three days a week, at that) so I felt I didn't have much to contribute to the proceedings, not having been there long enough to make any judgment. I was, however, quite happy to go along for a day out of the office, and the aforementioned free lunch (including one alcoholic beverage of my choice - drinking on the job, shocking behaviour).

Tomorrow though, it's back to normal. I'm getting my first crack at doing some project development work for a client since my return to work. And a chance to find out just how much I've forgotten while I've been away. Should be interesting.

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