Thursday, February 22, 2007

Wide Load

For some reason, the people in charge of the trains have reverted to using the older style carriages in the morning. This is actually a good thing in a way - the older trains have more seats, for one thing. The only problem is that the seats are roughly 3 inches (that's 7.62 cm, metric fans*) too narrow. Not such a problem if you're at the window seat, but if you're the next one along, 3 inches of your seat is already occupied by overspill from the person beside you. And if you're the unlucky sod on the end, 6 inches of your seat is already taken. Which means that you're left to perch on the end in a position so uncomfortable you'd probably be better off standing. At least the newer trains have armrests to prevent others from encroaching on your territory.

* Talking of fans, on the train home last night I saw something I don't think I've ever seen before. A guy using a fan. Not one of the battery-operated ones, one of the little paper ones that you can fold up or, uh, fan out. You know you have a weight problem when you need to use a fan in Scotland in February.

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