Sunday, March 07, 2010


My new scanner arrived yesterday. There was nothing wrong with my old scanner, other than the complete lack of Vista-compliant drivers. Grrr.

Anyway, with the enthusiasm of a slightly nerdy kid with a new toy, I scanned around a hundred old photos that had been stuffed into a shoebox tucked away in the corner of my wardrobe. Mostly black and white photos from my dad’s travels around Europe, prominently featuring a very cool motorbike, some crazy hairstyles, no small number of dental tragedies and some seriously dubious swimwear. On the men.

I’ll probably put these on Flickr at some point (assuming the swimwear doesn’t breach some sort of decency law). But somehow I felt compelled to share this one. Unfortunately I have no idea exactly where or when it was taken.


Now, I’m no military expect, but those sticky-uppy things between the springboard and the crash mat look to me like rifles with fixed bayonets. Which, I imagine, would be slightly uncomfortable if one were to accidentally to land upon. A bit stabby. It would probably nip a bit. The Health and Safety mob would be all over that like a rash.


liz said...

Ah, those were the days: men were men and the military wasn't concerned with such trifles as "safety", especially off-duty.

(And what do you mean, "slightly"?)

Big Al said...

please成人情色激情成人聊天網情色影片色情俱樂部性愛影片情趣淫水影音情色限制級照片fuck女生自慰影片超屌成人情色留言板淫亂女自慰免費視訊辣妹巨乳鹹濕色情影音聊天自拍走光照片免費情色av圖片亞洲情色論壇淫慾免費裸女圖片裙底風光台灣色情論壇一夜正妹淫娃網情色下載a圖片全裸淫蕩女人情色影音聊天高潮自慰色情圖片成人自拍女生自慰亞洲成人色情off舔乳頭女生自慰影片台灣色情網站台灣性樂園you twat情色影音激情聊天室嘿咻情色自拍

liz said...

If only that worked with the robots in real life.