Thursday, November 23, 2006

Ramblin' Man

I'm slipping badly. It's been over two weeks since I last posted anything here. To be fair, though, I have been quite busy.

Yet another hospital appointment yesterday, but a very encouraging one. It was the first time I'd been back since the frame was removed from my leg, and the x-rays are looking good. There's a little bit of movement in my ankle, which is also a good sign. The swelling in my leg has gone down a lot too - also good. I've to keep wearing the boot for a while longer - at least until mid-January, but that's hardly a problem.

Something happened at work that I wasn't expecting. Bear in mind that I went back to work in mid-September. And before that, the last time I set foot in the office was March 2004. And that, between those dates the company moved offices. So I wasn't really expecting any of my old stuff to still be around. But, whilst clearing out some old crap that was lying around the office, someone found a bunch of stuff that used to live on my desk. Mostly irrelevant now - some client files that are well out of date and other assorted odds and ends. A pair of earphones I bought about a week before the accident. I was just slightly amazed that none of the stuff had been tossed out, and had instead been carted halfway across town to wait for me to come back to it. Weird.

Rambling again, I think.


Jess said...

So when do we get to hear about what happened in your life? It's possible my senility has struck again, but I don't think you ever shared the story.

Big Al said...

I really do plan to, at some point, soon, honestly. No, really. I do.

Jess said...

Okay. :)

liz said...

I don't know if you have the same problem as I have, but I always seem to write (only) about everything peripheral to large events, because the large events themselves preclude writing. (Then by the time I'm free to write again, the event seems passe.)