Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Suggestion Box

Rooms in hospitals should be soundproofed. It's a tad disconcerting for the patient waiting to see the consultant, to be able to overhear the conversation between the consultant and the medical students in the adjoining room. When said persons are discussing the aforementioned patient's case history. And laughing. The patient might have to start coughing discreetly to drop the hint that, if the people in the next room can hear the patient, then the reverse is also true. Some patients would prefer only to hear the good news, or - at the very least - the diplomatic version of the news.

In other news, I didn't get to see the orthopaedic surgeon at the hospital today. He was off work with a broken arm, after falling off his bicycle (more than likely the wind blew him over).

1 comment:

Jess said...

The ortho surgeon was out due to a broken arm? Now that's ironic!