Tuesday, January 30, 2007


I came down with a cold over the weekend, and had to take the day off work today. If nothing else, it gave me plenty of time to catch up on some movies, namely Borat and Team America: World Police - the latter of which I've been meaning to watch for quite a while - and the latest episodes of Prison Break, Heroes, The Simpsons, Family Guy and American Dad.

Feeling a bit better this evening, but I'll wait and see how I feel in the morning before making a decision about going in to work. After all, still got a whole pile of stuff to watch here.


liz said...

If you have to stay home for several days, that's no cold any more--that's full-on flu!

Big Al said...

No, it's just a cold... It's just that, as a man, I like to make the most of it.

liz said...

Yes, I suppose one ought to use sick days as mental health days sometimes, too.