Monday, June 25, 2007

Yes, it's another Doctor Who post

Uh-oh. Only one more episode of the current run of Doctor Who. After that we'll have to wait almost six months for the Christmas special. How will we cope?

My personal solution is to start watching the old episodes, from the glory days of Tom Baker. I'm working my way through those, currently on Terror of the Zygons. Just in case that's not enough, I'm also downloading the adventures of some of the other Doctors; Troughton, Davison and McCoy. Can't quite bring myself to start watching Colin Baker yet, but maybe one day.

Of course, getting hold of the early episodes is difficult, thanks the the BBC's policy of wiping a lot of the tapes in the 70s. Jaw-droppingly stupid, even by BBC standards. Fortunately though, the Whovian fan base is sufficiently obsessive to have taken the trouble to reconstruct many of the lost episodes using a combination of stills, home recordings, and animation.

For the moment though, I'm sticking with the Tom Baker years, and looking forward to the episodes where Leela appears. Uh, not for any particular reason... no, really.

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