Tuesday, July 24, 2007

I blame Michael Fish

We never had these problems when he was in charge of the weather. Well, apart from the occasional unforseen hurricane.

I'm not impressed with the weather we've been having lately. I take 2 weeks off work, and the sun doesn't come out once. The second I go back to work, wouldn't you know, the sun is splitting the sky. Dirty fiery bastard of a thing.

And just to top it off, our head office is in Oxfordshire, in one of the towns particularly badly affected by the flooding. Which had a fairly negative impact on my ability to connect to the office network when working from home yesterday. Although nothing like as negative an impact as on all the people whose homes were flooded.

Unusual turnaround, really. At the weekend, while large areas of England disappeared under water, people in Scotland were sunbathing naked in their gardens. Er, some of them were. I'd imagine.

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