Monday, July 02, 2007


Who'd have thought? Just when we thought that it was compulsory for this year's crop of movie sequels to stink the place out, along comes Die Hard 4.0, or Live Free or Die Hard, or whatever the heck they're calling it. Anyways, whatever you call it, it doesn't stink. Not even a little bit. In fact, it's better than the last one, and at least as good as -if not better than - the one before that. Not as good as the first one, obviously.

Incidentally, tonight's scheduled movie on STV was to have been Die Hard 2. You know, the one with the terrorists at the airport. In the wake of the attempted attack on Glasgow Airport at the weekend, it's not being shown. While we're on the subject, it's reported that US law enforcement officials received warnings two weeks ago of terror attacks in Glasgow and Prague, the Czech Republic, against "airport infrastructure and aircraft".

Gee, guys, thanks for the heads-up.


liz said...

I found a set of Die Hard 1, 2, and 3 for $1 each at our local library. My husband got them for Father's Day. I almost omitted #2, but I hated to break up the set.

(It's too bad they're VHS, but for $1, I couldn't complain.)

So I guess we'll be watching out for Christmas parties...or something like that. [Insert actual witty comment that I'm too tired to make here]

Jess said...

I wouldn't put too much stock in the warnings that may have been received. The US, Britain and all of the other intelligence services have threats against practically every city and structure at just about any given moment.

I'm glad the new Die Hard movie is good. As for what isn't being shown, a Sunday television favorite around here used to be The Towering Inferno. For some reason, I haven't seen it on TV since 9/11. I guess it isn't so entertaining anymore!

liz said...

As far as I can tell, they've also ceased showing the Simpsons episode in which they go to New York and Homer goes to the towers.

I wonder what else is now taboo to show? There's probably a list somewhere online.