Sunday, July 15, 2007

An idea

Car manufacturers, gawd bless them, have come up with this great idea. It's basically a breathalyser* fitted to the vehicle. So, if you get behind the wheel reeking of alcohol, the whole thing just locks up and prevents you from driving it. Clever, or what?

Could we extend the same principle to computers? What if, before attempting to access eBay or Amazon you had to breathe into a little tube to prove your sobriety. So, if you'd just come home from the pub, pished out of your mental heid, you'd be barred from frittering away your hard-earned cash on frivolous nick-nacks. Imagine the amount of grief that could be prevented.

This is in no way related to the Mr Potato Head posts from a few days ago.

* That's with an 'S', not a 'Z'.

1 comment:

liz said...

I swear that this, or a similar item, exists already.

But I can't be bothered to search for it.