Tuesday, July 04, 2006

It's a leg, Jim...

This, in case you hadn't already guessed, is my leg, complete with Ilizarov fixator. Pretty, aint it? The photo was taken in March during a week-and-a-half stay in hospital, during which various adjustments were made to the frame, and a skin graft was performed (underneath where that weird blue dressing is). Oh, and my leg isn't really that colour - it's iodine, or betadine, or something. It washed off, when I was eventually allowed into the shower. At the time of these operations, I was still accompanied by two guards from those infamous providers of custodial services, Reliance*. I was cuffed to one of them, right up to the point when I was under a general anaesthetic, at which point they decided that the chances of my running away were sufficiently minute for them to remove the cuffs.

Anyhow, the frame is still in place, hopefully not for too much longer. Still, it's a talking point, if nothing else.

*Although a more appropriate name would be 'Fuckups-R-Us'.


Jess said...

Yeah, that should get people curious.

I hope you're done with the medical crap soon!

Jess said...

P.S.--I love the geekiness of the title of the post. :)

liz said...

This reminds me so much of the photos I took of my brother-in-law after his accident. I wish he still had them posted somewhere, but I can see why he might not want to have posted photos of himself unconscious with long metal screws protruding from his pelvic bones.

Despite the apparent goulishness of my picture-taking, I put myself in his position at the time and thought that I'd want some record that I had really been through all that and it wasn't my imagination. (Also, I wanted to be optimistic that he would be conscious again someday, which wasn't clear at the time.)

I also really liked the several-minutes-short film he recently made about the recovery experience. Brrr!

liz said...

Upon review, I see that the photos are actually used in the film. Never mind!

Big Al said...

Jeez, I had no idea his injuries were that bad. Very impressive film though, not as if that's any consolation....