Monday, July 17, 2006

Teeth (again)

The dentist appointment this afternoon was surprisingly painless, both dentally and financially. Almost miraculously so, considering the somewhat lengthy gap since my last visit. I was expecting to be told I'd need a mouthful of fillings, but I got away with just one (unless anything else shows up in the x-rays). There's some other work to be done in the form of extracting what's left of a tooth* I broke while I was in chokey - disappointingly not as the result of an outbreak of prison violence, but rather due to my overenthusiastic crunching of a Polo mint. All this is costing me an estimated £50. Fifty quid? A bargain really, fifty quid for six years' worth of of dental treatment.

* What's left? Not much.


liz said...

Thanks a lot. This only serves to reinforce my superstitious and inaccurate belief that *not* going to the dentist is better for one's teeth.

Big Al said...

I'm would call that inaccurate. If I'd gone regularly over the past six years, I'm pretty sure I'd have had a heck of a lot more work done in the time.

Big Al said...

Grr. I really should read stuff back before I post it. What I should have said is...

I'm not sure I would call that inaccurate.