Saturday, July 15, 2006

TV Go Home

Proof, as if it were needed, that the BBC aren't even trying anymore comes with the news that, as from next week, they'll be fouling up our Saturday nights with yet another dance-related pile of crap. We've already had Strictly Come Dancing, Strictly Dance Fever, Strictly African Dancing and over on ITV, Dancing on Ice. Starting next week, it's Dancing in the Street. Make it stop. Somebody, please, make the bad TV go away.

And while I'm on the subject... Strictly Come Dancing? What the hell is that supposed to mean? Years ago there was a show called Come Dancing, which was tres mucho crapola, but at least the title made sense. Recently though, they stuck the word Strictly on the front of it, for some reason or other, presumably to make it seem more contemporary or relevant or something. Whatever the reason, it doesn't alter the fact that it's still about as much fun as being shot in the face. And, to add insult to injury, the title doesn't make any damn sense.

So, BBC, if you must do another dance show (and apparently you must), here's a suggestion. BBC Execs Dancing On Fire. Form an orderly queue.


liz said...

As far as I can tell, the "strictly" is meant to suggest some kind of discipline/restraint theme. So I'd expect lots of patent leather and perhaps schoolboy outfits.

Now, that'd be a show!

Big Al said...

If. Only.

Big Al said...

Strictly Pole Dancing. I'd watch that.

liz said...

I'm sure it would sell big time.

Heck, they already have popular exercise videos and classes on that theme.