Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Screw This

In the mail this morning, I received a schedule of yet more adjustments for me to make to the Ilizarov frame. Oh happy day.

There are six adjustable struts near the top of the frame - one of them shows up pretty clearly in the pic. The struts at the front are reasonably easy to adjust; the fact that I can see them makes for a significant advantage. The rear struts are slightly more awkward, and require either assistance from a second person, or the skilful use of a mirror.* While I was in chokey, and neither of these were available, I had to make do with the underside of a CD as a makeshift mirror. Lots of fun.

*And no small amount of patience. So I'm screwed, basically.


liz said...

On the plus side, there are plenty of fet1_sh1sts who want to see pictures of those frames and will now visit your blog!

--or wait, maybe that's not a plus. I guess that depends.

Big Al said...

I'm not fussy. Somebody recently told me it looked Goth, which I suppose it does, in a way.