Saturday, August 26, 2006

All Day Breakfast

Mmmmm.... All... Day... Breakfast. Was there ever a sweeter combination of three words? Well, probably. But anyway, the hotel/pub across the road has started serving this tasty dish to hungry patrons. The full works - sausages, bacon, fried egg, tomato, hash brown, beans, and tea or coffee. Well, they say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so it might as well be something artery-clogging and delicious. And just the job after a hard day's boozing.

But wait a minute, though. The All Day Breakfast is only available between 12pm and 9:30pm. So, uh, how exactly does that qualify as All-Day? Or, for that matter, breakfast?

1 comment:

liz said...

Ah yes, one of the few truly American-originated concepts that friends were discussing just yesterday. Another is the all-you-can-eat buffet. So if that pops up next at this place, you can bet some American has bought it.