Tuesday, August 08, 2006


I just had a thought (it was bound to happen sooner or later). For the best part of a year, the only major clothing decision I've had to make has been whether to wear shorts or sweat pants. Nothing else, you see, will fit over the Ilizarov. When that comes off, I'll be able to wear normal trousers again, which will make life a bit easier, particularly on those rare occasions when I decide to dress in the style of someone who hasn't just fallen off the back of the scruffy truck. I mean, there's not much point wearing a shirt and tie* with sweat pants.

Probably means I'll have to buy some new clothes, too. The only pair of jeans in my wardrobe are a size 38 waist, from my fat days. Fortunately, I don't occupy quite that much space anymore. Might hang on to them though. Well, you never know, do you?

* Not that I wear a tie all that often. Weddings and funerals is pretty much it.


liz said...

No--donate the dang things or throw them out!

If you have a nice accomplishment like that (however accidental or forced on you) you might as well revel in it. Get some nice trousers. (Even if they're second-hand. Someone else's former "skinny" trousers they outgrew, for example.)

As I am forced to remind my clients (for example, those who have a compulsive spending problem but don't want to cut up their credit cards "just in case"), making a worst-case plan about your own future behavior is the same as planning ahead to specifically make the wrong choice. (But I usually say it even less succinctly in person.)

Big Al said...

Throw them out? The very idea goes against the grain, given that I'm a professional hoarder of everything. Which probably explains why I can't move in here without tripping over something or knocking something over.

liz said...

Ah well--that's a different therapy issue entirely.

(I recommend a good dose of petrol and a match. At least, that's always been my fantasy regarding my own piles of crap.)