Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Some good news from the orthopaedic consultant today. The x-rays of my leg are looking encouraging, and hopefully they'll be able to remove the Ilizarov in about six weeks' time. They made a bit of a start today by removing one of the pins - the one through my foot, which is the one that's been causing all the trouble lately. Quite glad to see the back of that one.

Having the pin removed wasn't painful exactly, but it was an 'interesting' experience all the same. It's somewhat alarming when someone starts wielding wirecutters in the general vicinity of your foot.

Still not as scary as the dentist though.


liz said...

Yowtch. That can't be nice.

Jess said...

Sounds like progres. That's good!

Maybe I shouldn't ask, but... um... will we, at some point, get the details of what happened? Given the injury and the time away, I can make a guess, but I'm really curious!

Big Al said...

I'll get around to it, eventually, I promise...