Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Balder Dash

Bollards. There's no point denying it any longer. I'm going bald. Or at least, extremely thin on top. The most annoying part is, every other part of my body is sprouting hair like it's some sort of contest. Well, almost every other part - I don't have hairy palms yet (although that's probably only a matter of time). I'm considering biting the bullet, and having it cropped really short. Or possibly growing it even longer and looking like Fish from Marillion circa 1985. Speaking of which, I'm currently reading Tolkien's "The Silmarillion", from which the above named beat combo took their name. It's rather good, but at times it feels a little like reading the Bible. Although I've only ever done that once, when I was extremely drunk and alone in a hotel room.

By my calculations, my physio appointment today marked the first time I have been inside a gym since 1987. I've always avoided physical exertion like the plague, a matter which may seem strange given that my dad was a P.E. teacher. He would probably be turning in his grave, if not for the fact that he was cremated. Perhaps he would turn in his urn.

Today's music: Embrace: The Good Will Out
Best music video: The Streets: Dry Your Eyes

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