Wednesday, September 29, 2004

How To Get Head In Advertising

There's an ad on TV that's been bugging me for some time now. Former top cop John Stalker, plugging sun awnings, comes away with the following unbelievable line: "When it's a sunny day, most of us prefer to be in the shade".

Er, no we feckin' don't!! When it's a sunny day, most of us prefer to be in direct sunlight, preferably without any protection, until we resemble lobsters - because we know we probably won't get another sunny day until the same time next year.

Then the clincher - Stalker claims that these appliances are so easy to use that even his dog can operate them (cut to shot of dog placing paw on remote control). If that's the case, my dog must be a feckin' genius - he could work the TV, video, DVD player and CD player - and at a push he could probably knock out his own blog. Hmmm, that gives me an idea...

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