Friday, September 03, 2004

Doctor What-The-F***

Finally, after a 15-year absence, Doctor Who is coming back. And about time. Playing the Time Lord this time around is Christopher Eccleston. Huh? Great actor, sure, but is he really right for the role? No.

No. No. No. No. No. No. No.

Too young. Too earnest. Too... dull. What you need is someone with bags of character, someone quirky, and frankly someone older. Like, for example: Eric Idle (or for that matter, Terry Jones). Bryan Pringle would have been almost perfect, apart from having expired a couple of years ago. Or how about Tom Baker? I reckon he'd be great...

And another thing - the Doctor's companion. Billie Piper?!? Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!? Two words: Bonnie Langford. Please don't let that happen again, I'm still having nightmares. Far more scary than the Daleks, the Cybermen and the Talons of Weng-Chiang all put together.

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