Saturday, October 30, 2004

Big Al Plays Guitar

Yes, it's true. Not very often and not very well, but it's still true. I can bash out a few chords when the mood takes me. If I'm really feeling good, I'll sing too. However, the less said about my singing voice, the better. In my head I sing like Freddie Mercury, but the outside world hears something entirely different. I once attempted a karaoke version of Bohemian Rhapsody with three friends, but this was mysteriously thwarted when the karaoke machine suddenly developed a technical fault.

And to this day I remember my dear old dad, on hearing my rendition of Queen's Who Wants To Live Forever, asking: "Is that difficult to sing? Because it's [expletive deleted] difficult to listen to".


Jess said...

Sounds like me. I'll sing in the car, and I love the sound of it. If Marc's in the car with me, he'll be cringing. :)

liz said...

Freddy Mercury is always worth aspiring to regardless of what others think! (Especially songs associated with "The Highlander".)

Big Al said...

Wasn't that just a great movie? I only went to see it because Queen did the music, but it's an all-time favourite now.

liz said...

Too bad it was the only exception to Christopher Lambert's "touch of shit", though.

Big Al said...

There can be only one (movie that is not shit).