Sunday, October 17, 2004

Smoke Gets On Your Tits

I'd forgotten about the smoke in pubs - the clothes I was wearing last night were reeking of cigarette smoke, even though the pub was pretty quiet. I only saw two or three smokers, and none of them were particularly close to me. It must be a thousand times worse for the people who work there - as if spending your evenings listening to drunk people talking crap wasn't bad enough, you get to stink of other people's smoke into the bargain.

And another thing. On a completely unrelated subject, when did the Booker Prize become the Man Booker Prize? When did they sneak that in? And why? (see also Jif/Cif, Oil of Ulay/Olay).

OK, I know why they changed Jif to Cif - it's because the name Jif doesn't work in Spanish, due to the way the 'J' is pronounced in that language. Does this mean we'll someday have to change the name of Loch Ness to Lock Ness to allow for our southern neighbours who seem unable, or unwilling, to use the correct pronunciation? The same goes for Auld Lang Syne, which they seem to have renamed Old Lang Zyne. Where the heck did they get Zyne from? A hint: pretend you're singing about a sign, and it'll sound right.

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