Saturday, October 23, 2004

Piss Off, Postie

I want Saturday postal deliveries abolished. I'm sick of getting bad-news mail at the weekend (generally bad-news mail comes in brown or windowed envelopes; if you find a brown, windowed envelope you know you're really screwed) and being unable to do anything about it until the following Monday. I'm talking about the kind of mail that makes you want to pick up the phone and scream at someone: "What the fuck are you doing to me, you bastards?!'. But, because it's the weekend, you can't. All you can do is stew over it for two days, and allow it to wreck your weekend.

I'm sure they do it on purpose. Can't you just picture the evil sods behind their desk on a Friday afternoon? "Put this in the mail tonight for me, would you? It'll really fuck up their weekend for them!".

Bastards, the lot of them.

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