Thursday, October 28, 2004

Blog Off

One of the neatest little things on Blogger is the navbar - that small strip along the top of the screen, with the 'Next Blog' button on it. The trouble is, though, pressing this button is almost guaranteed to take you to either a debt-consolidation site, some vague porn nonsense, or - likeliest of all - a US election blog. There must be millions of them. Please can we have some sort of filter option added so that we can bypass them? I'm sure there are lots of blogs worth reading out there, but the chances of finding them amongst the dross are negligible. Shame really.

If you'e lucky enough to avoid that lot, you're doing well - but you're probably not out of the woods yet. Wander a little and you'll probably encounter the dreaded TeenBlog. This one is easy to spot; the background is, almost without exception, black. The text will typically appear in the smallest font known to mankind, usually in a bewildering array of garish colours. The use of upper and lower case letters will be arbitrary. And spelling? The aim seems to be to deliberately spell as many words incorrectly as possible. U kNo Da KyNd oF Ting. What the hell is that about? And just to make sure they piss you off, they'll often change your mouse cursor from a perfectly reasonably pointing arrow into some ridiculous cartoon that leaves a trail of pixie-dust or love-hearts in its wake. Thanks a lot, I really need that.

And another thing: To those bloggers who have a 'Welcome to my site' popup message - JUST FUCKING STOP IT, OK?

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