Sunday, December 12, 2004

There Goes The Weekend

Whooooosh! WTF was that? Oh, just another weekend passing faster than the speed of light. Seriously, what's going on? Is someone going around on Fridays nights and tampering with all the clocks to make them go twice as fast until Monday morning?

Sigh. I'm not working tomorrow. Instead I have to get up even earlier than normal for a morning appointment with the consultant at the hospital. It doesn't seem like three months since the last one, but I've checked the calendar and apparently it is. Maybe this proves that it isn't only the weekends that are going by too fast. On the plus side, having an early appointment means there's less chance of being kept waiting around for hours on end. Less chance, but not no chance. I'm hoping to get in, have an x-ray or two taken, and then be told that everything looks fine and I won't need further surgery (at least not in the immediate future). I just can't face the prospect of another spell in hospital - although a hip replacement is on the cards in the next couple of years. Joy.

Tomorrow afternoon, I have a meeting with my lawyer ahead of the court appearance on Tuesday. Looking forward to that even less.

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