Monday, December 06, 2004


This working for a living is tiring stuff. At around 7 this evening I decided a short nap was in order. I woke up just after 9. I wouldn't mind, but evenings are short enough without losing two hours to sleep. Guess I'll just have to stay up until 3am to make up for it. Bad idea, though - I have a physio appointment at, wait for it, 8:45 tomorrow morning. 8:45? That's the middle of the night, FFS.

That's the great thing about working from home - I could fall out of bed at 8:59* and be at my desk for 9 sharp. I can finish work at 5:30pm and be home for, ooh... let's see... 5:30pm. Even better, I don't have to worry about the office dress code. For all they know, I could be sitting here in a clown suit, a Napoleon outfit, a Spiderman costume or my birthday suit**. It's more likely to be jeans and a sweatshirt though, just in case you're worrying.

*Although I'd rather not. It hurts.
**If only it weren't so damn cold.

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