Thursday, November 18, 2004

Big Al's Get-Rich-Quick Schemes, #4392

OK, I'm gonna do it. Tomorrow. Easy money.

All I have to do is phone in to the Richard & Judy show and answer a piss-easy qualifying question to play the You Say, We Pay competition.

The competition goes something like this - R&J sit with their backs to a screen displaying images of movie stars, landmarks, everyday objects or whatever*. The caller describes whatever is being shown on the screen, and R&J try to guess what the caller is talking about. For each one they guess correctly within one minute, the caller gets £1000. Most contestants recently have been getting about seven correct answers, or (for the arithmetically challenged) £7000.

Seven grand for a minute's work? I'm having some of that, thanks.

*One of the items on today's show was a wigwam, for which the caller gave the clue, "It's where Indians live", prompting Richard and/or Judy to answer, "India". I'm sure the caller meant to say "Native Americans", which I believe is the politically correct version.

NB: I don't personally watch Richard & Judy. A friend told me about it. Please believe me.

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