Tuesday, November 09, 2004

No Pain No Gain

After my session at the gym this morning, the physiotherapist warned me that I might experience 'slight muscle pain' later in the day, and tomorrow. Yeah, in the same way that a person in the path of a tidal wave might soon experience 'slight moisture'.

I spent about fifteen minutes on an exercise bike, of all things. A pretty frustrating activity, as I don't have enough movement in my right knee to push the pedal all the way round; I had to pedal forward as far as I could, then back-pedal to get back to the starting position, and so on. And on.

It's all having its benefits though, despite the tedium. Walking is becoming easier, my ankle is moving a bit better (although it's never going to be anything close to perfect), and generally I feel fitter. Who knows, maybe I'll be able to throw these crutches away sometime.


liz said...

Have you seen the rotating hip x-ray graphic on my brother-in-law's site (Frinkenstein)? He had a bit of unpleasantness similar to your a year or two back. Just got to stop using his cane this year, I think.

Can't believe how many people I know have been damaged or outright killed by cars, but that's another whole entry...

Big Al said...

Yikes, I'm not even sure I want to look at that! But I'm glad to hear he's back on his own feet now.