Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Dubya Pulls It Off

It's official, then. President Bush has been elected to a second term in office. How the hell did that happen?

The only explanation I can think of right now is a 'better-the-devil-you-know' attitude amongst the US electorate.

Maybe we're not getting the full picture, but on this side of the Atlantic Dubya is widely perceived as a buffoon. Maybe his policies are preferable to those of his opponent, John Kerry. Maybe people don't know what Kerry's policies are. Maybe Americans aren't prepared to entrust the 'war on terror' to Kerry. Maybe Bush isn't the monkey we see him as.

Or maybe, people are just scared of change.

Ho hum.


Jess said...

I think it may be a little of all of those things.

Frankly, here on this side of the pond, many of us are still trying to figure out how this happened.

Name: Kirk Bage Born 1973, UK Writer & Actor said...

I'm still in shock, having stayed up all night watching news 24 until it was obvious the key states weren't coming in till next day. If you ask me America is still 10 years behind Europe in terms of accepting liberal policies - which, like, it or not, I believe, are the way of all things to come. Shame it wasn't this time... Kx